Friday, July 14, 2006

red river valley

i'm dissapointed in you. you somehow manged to turn a group outing into something about you. we bent to your whims, and you were very selfish. it doesn't bother me so much but i think you owe them an appology. i'm sure you don't see it that way. you're a beautiful girl, but on the inside you're getting ugly, like the people you hang around. you aren't cute when you act like this. you're selfish and childish and you're acting like a bitch. just likt those people you hang around. and somehow i'm wondering when the whole fucking world became about you.

as long as you get what you want you're happy. at the exspense of those who do what we can for you. and you've become a terrible liar and and chore to be around. if you want sweetness and compassion, you've come to the wong place in me, because you see you've crossed a line. i don't tollerate selfish people.

and years from know when you look at days like this you'll realize that i knew it all along. you're jealous. because i'm getting better, because i'm still wiser, and i'll always be older and you know that i'm right when i say what i do. go on about your life thinking you'll one day have it. i already do. look back at how pissed off you were that i was living without regard to what you tried to tie me to. i'm not going to take your shit anymore, and i'm sorry if it wrecks your grasp or concept of the power you have over life.

go on and live it. i imagine yours is very sad indeed.


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